Friday, October 30, 2009


Frequently, as I paint (if not always) I'm reminded of one or many of the artists who have taught me so, from time to time will 'thank' these gifted people.  This piece I painted along with Charles Sovek from his  PBS DVD "PLEIN AIR PAINTING" of the many gems he passed along  "remember if you paint like someone else you'll always be second best."    His a wealth of wisdom and beautiful paintings!    Thank you Mr Sovek.


kathrynlaw said...

He was a wonderful painter, and a great person. Always willing to talk about technique and share his secrets, always open and friendly. I learned a lot from him too, when I was just getting started. That's a great quote, words to live by!

Frances Pizzino said...

Hi Kathryn so good hearing from you! I didn't personally know him..just thru his books and website...but his work speaks so loudly of his spirit. Bless him.